Letters to My Children {November: Brooks}

Dear Brooks,

Even on those days when you are being a turkey, I love you.  Even when you are picking on your sisters, I love you.  Even when you pretend you don't hear me and head the opposite direction, I love you.  Even when you won't let me take your picture and you pretend to pout, I love you.

This has been a strange year for you and so different from other boys your age.  Living in an RV, different friends from month to month, part-time homeschooling, living outdoors as much as indoors; and you may not realize until you get older how different it is!  It's so strange to think that you were only 4 when we moved into the RV.  Now you will be seven in just a few short months - growing and changing and losing teeth faster than Daddy or I can blink.  We watch you and wonder what kind of man you will grow up to be.  I know you will be kind and patient.  You are learning that from being the only boy between two girls!  I also know that you are so smart and are always thinking about the world around you and how things work.  I pray that when you get older you never stop wondering and thinking and trying to figure things out.  May you always be challenged and stretched.  I also pray that God will mold you and teach you in ways that Daddy and I cannot.

You may not realize it, but you have my heart.  I will always love you and cannot wait to see how your young life unfolds!

