Film 365 Project - {Week 31}

It's the end of March and I'm beginning to believe that the wind will blow forever. And ever.  I guess we got the "in like a lamb", so now it's going out with a roar.  I've had no luck with bluebonnet photos this year; kids being as uncooperative as the wind. The water has been so stirred up that everything looks like muddy tea.  I'm ready for summer...

211/365  - Goose Island Windswept Oak

211/365  - Goose Island Windswept Oak

212/365 - Graphing Lesson

212/365 - Graphing Lesson

213/365 - Bluebonnets 2017, Take One

213/365 - Bluebonnets 2017, Take One

213/365 - Bluebonnets 2017, Take Two 

213/365 - Bluebonnets 2017, Take Two 

213/365 - Bluebonnets 2017, It's a Wrap

213/365 - Bluebonnets 2017, It's a Wrap

214/365 - Afterschool Biker Gang

214/365 - Afterschool Biker Gang

215/365 - Math Class

215/365 - Math Class

216/365 - Reef Adventures

216/365 - Reef Adventures

216/365 - Follow the Leader

216/365 - Follow the Leader

217/365 - Blue Crab

217/365 - Blue Crab

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