Film 365 Project {Week 11}
Rockport slows down this time of year; tourists are few, fishermen are more serious and not just the weekenders, and festivals are holding off until the holidays get closer. It's quickly becoming my favorite time of the year. It's still warm enough to play at the beach and town seems almost empty before Thanksgiving/Christmas visitors arrive. I do miss the change of leaves that fall brings to the rest of Texas, but these non-windy days of November are hard to beat!
All photos from this week were taken with my Canon eos3 35mm film camera, on Fuji Pro 400H film, using this lens.
71/365 - Silly
70mm, f/2.8
72/365 - Yogurt with Friends
70mm, f/3.2, 1/50th sec
73/365 - Wild Olive Blooms
50mm, f/3.5, 1/800th sec.
74/365 - Being Brooks
70mm, f/2.8
75/365 - On the Water
80mm, f/4.0
76/365 - School on a Saturday
70mm, f/2.8, 1/13th sec.
77/365 - My Girl
70mm, f/2.8