Are you losing your salt and light? As a photographer, woman, friend, or Christian do you find yourself in need of more light in your life? Do you need the saltiness of other like-minded Christian women to help renew yours? I know I do!
In the three years since I've moved to the Coastal Bend area of Texas, I've had a tiny flicker of an idea that began to burn and grow. The more time I spent away from my photography business and clients, the more time I spent photographing only the things I wanted, the more time I spent in this beautiful place, this idea grew and burned brighter. Like a single light that often was the only guidance in my beautiful, sunshine filled days, and it was certainly a light that burned bright enough to keep me up and night.
I love to learn and teach, as well as spend time with other creative women who have a passion for art, beauty, nature, and following God. But as a busy homeschooling mom of three, I never make time to get away and surround myself with the things and colleagues that I enjoy. Heck, I have a hard time carving out Bible study or quiet time, so photography and opportunities for community always got placed under a bushel.
So I want to share this part of Texas that God has provided as our home. I want to share the beauty, the light of the warm winter days, the salt air and water that has become so important to me. I want us to be salt like God calls us to be so that we may be of use in a dark and tasteless world.
Come join me for Salt & Light Retreat. A long weekend set aside for a handful of Sister women who want to relax, worship, and renew. A time to renew our relationships with God, rediscover our love for our art, and love and share with each other so that we may return and be Salt and Light in our corners of this world.